
أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم في المحاكم والمجالس القضائية ، لكي تتمكن من المشاركة ومشاهدة جميع أقسام المنتدى وكافة الميزات ، يجب عليك إنشاء حساب جديد بالتسجيل بالضغط هنا أو تسجيل الدخول اضغط هنا إذا كنت عضواً .

09-04-2020 04:50 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 30-07-2012
رقم العضوية : 33
المشاركات : 75
الجنس :
الدعوات : 1
قوة السمعة : 40
المستوي : ليسانس
الوظــيفة : متربص

اسئلة اختبارات مسابقة امين ضبط سنة 2017
الاسئلة المطروحة لمسابقة امين ضبط في الجزائر
1- اختبار مادة التخصص المدة 3 ساعات المعامل 3

أجب على أحد الأسئلة الآتية
السؤال في القانون الإداري ؟
يقوم التنظيم الإداري في الجزائر على نظام المركزية واللامركزية، تحدث عنهما مع التمييز بينهما وبين عدم التركيز ؟ السؤال في القانون الجنائي :
و يتضمن فرعين :
ا- تكلم عن مبدا الشرعية في قانون العقوبات ؟
ب. تكلم عن نطاق تطبيق قانون العقوبات من حيث الزمان ومن حيث المكان ؟

السؤال في قانون الإجراءات المدنية والادارية :
اجدد قانون الإجراءات المدنية والإدارية طرق الطعن في القضايا المالية، إشرح ذلك بالتفصيل ؟


2- اختبار في مادة الثقافة العامة المدة: 03 ساعات المعامل : 03

يعد البعد الثقافي للعولمة من أخطر ابعادها، فهي تملي اشاعة قيم ومعايير ومعاج ثقافة واحدة و احلالها محل الثقافات الأخرى مما يعني تلاشي القيم والثقافات القومية وإحلال القيم الثقافية للبلاد الأكثر تقدما محلها، الأمر الذي ينعكس سلبا على هوية الشباب العربی والجزائري بالخصوص.

ناقش من منظورك الخاص تاثر قيم الشباب الجزائري في ظل مانعيشه من ثورة حديثة في ميدان الإعلام والاتصال باعتبارهما وسيلة اساسية لنشر العولمة الثقافية ؟


3- إختبار مادة اللغة الانجليزية المدة ساعتان المعامل : 1

Part One.
A) Reading Comprehension. (7pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Each of the civilizations of the past contributed in a way or another to enhance the cultural and Technical side of human communities. They all had achievements that gradually transformed the destiny of nations and turn them into highly organised groups having in their hands more efficient means that enabled them to develop a better party in the fight for survival and therefore to lead a more comfortable life
The Chinese, for example, were the first to show to the others how to combine intelligence and discipline in order to construct a dynamic society able to offer its inhabitants prosperity and Lecurity The Fantans in their turn managed to bring considerable Improvements in the branches of farming architecture, medicine, writing and religion. Despite the hostile environment where they evolved, they succeeded toimpose their will power and perseverance so as to gain their neighbours respect and mortalize the name in history
As for the Babylonians the devoted their skills to further the spheres of astronomy, law-malde building cantle breeding and land working The Phoenicians, too, helped in accomplishing exceptional advances in matters connected to ship-building International trade and sailing across
When the Greeks arrived, they promoted mathematics, philosophy and democracy. They also ave a strong Impotus to scientific research. rational thinking, mythology and artistic creations. In their wisdom, they want as far as using sport as a channel through which to consolidate peace and harmony among tribes and races. The Romans, as well, devoted themselves to elevate the fate of the human race. They dedicated their talent for the pursuit of arts, the construction of towns and public work, the laying of rules and political bodies, the expansion of commerce and the introduction of thore effective strategies in the military field.

1-the text is about
- The contribution of ancient civitations
- the common features of ancient avitirations.
- Human communities in ancient avitirations.

2-Read paragraph 1 and 2 and say if the following sentences are true or false
- Today's cvilization draws important advantages from the cultures of the past.
- The Chinese falled in every attempt they made to organise the society into a prosperous nation.
- The Greeks encouraged their people to practise sport for waging wars.

3- Answer the following questions according to the text
a) What is the most positive feature about the cultures of the past?
b) What did the other nations learo about from ancient Egyptians!
c) How did the Greeks improve the life of human communitie

4-What do the underlined words in the text refer to
a) whers (s1) b) they (s2) c) which (s3)

5-is the text
a) argumentative? b) de**ive? c) expository? d) pre**ive?

B) Text Exploration. (7pts)
1. Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following:
3) a) static (s2) b) destruction (s3) c) weak (s3) d) lower (s3)

2. Complete the following chart as shown in the table
verb Noun Adjective
extend decision successful

3. join these pales of sentences using the appropriate connector.
Whereat as soon as - despite the fact that
a) It rarely rained in Mesopotamia. The Sumerians developed a strong system of Imgation
b) The Phantins arrived in Phoenicia. They become town-dwellers
c) The Egyptians brought improvements in farming agriculture medicine and writing Phoenlein developed thip-building. International trade and sailing across seal

4- Ask the questions to which the underlined words are possible answers
a) The Greeks spoke with envy when referring to the Nile
b) Ancient Egyptian settled around the Nile because its importance
c) The name of the Nile's God was Osiris

5-Classify the following verbs according to the pronunciation of their final "ed**
a) contributod b) transformed c) helped
d)connected e) esucceeded f) farrived

d)Part two. Written ** (6pts) Choose one of the following topics
In what ways can the study of ancient civilisations help human beings in their
present life? The following notes can be used to belp you
- learning strengths of a nation-causes of collapse of any civilization
-avold mistakes of past nations
- huild a strong matand keep it strong

Write a composition explaining in what way today's civilizations are different from those
of the past.

اضافة رد جديد اضافة موضوع جديد

الكلمات الدلالية
اسئلة ، مسابقة ، امين ، ضبط ، 2017 ،

الساعة الآن 12:20 PM